Gretchen Seigworth
Jul 25, 2016
Farm to School at Burley Berries
Thanks to all who came out for our second strawberry season. We had a great year and are already looking forward to next. We wanted to...
Megan Burley
Aug 19, 2015
Summer at Burley Berries
Wow what a great picking season we had! Thanks to all who came out and picked in June and July. For our first year. We were very...
Megan Burley
May 6, 2015
Soil Acidity Does it Matter?
Often times a farmer will say I have "sour soil" or I need to raise the pH of my soil. What does this mean and how is it measured and...
Megan Burley
Apr 23, 2015
Spring at Burley Berries
As I sit at our kitchen table on the 23rd of April, it is snowing outside and I'm wondering if we will ever actually have a spring. ...