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Summer at Burley Berries

Megan Burley

Wow what a great picking season we had! Thanks to all who came out and picked in June and July. For our first year. We were very blessed with the yield our patch produced this year even though we had a very wet season.

Lots has been happening at Burley Berries this summer so here's a brief update:

Weeds, Weeds and more weeds. Strawberries take a lot of work when it comes to weed management! Next year we will be picking from two patches so that means twice as much weeding. We are very thankful for cultivation equipment because it helps immensely with this process although we have hoed' and hand weeded the new patch a couple times already this year and it needs it again.

The patch we planted in 2014 is a lot easier to manage because we use a technique called renovation. This means we mowed the patch and the strawberries come back faster than the weeds thus making the patch look almost perfect!

We have picked about a quart of blueberries from our 23 bushes and hope to have some next year for sale. Blueberries take awhile to get established but they are slowly getting there.

Family Update:

Ryan has been busy at East Hill Farms making hay, working on the new creamery, and doing day to day tasks. I have gone back to my "Day Job" at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Erie County where we have lots of projects happening. Tonight I am speaking at a field day about Broccoli in Eden, NY. Judson, has been growing so fast! Each day he is doing something new. One of his favorite things to do is be outside with me as we work in the garden or in the strawberry patch.

We hope all is well with your family. Look for our next blog in September!

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